
Showing posts with the label TSPSC

Who issue Non-Creamy layer Certificate in Telangana?

Mandal Revenue Officer/ Tahsildhar is competent authority to issue Non-Creamy layer Certificate in the prescribed proforma.

What is Creamy Layer? | TSPSC

Creamy Layer means those section/persons of Backward Community who are considered socially and economically advanced. The Government of Telangana has fixed an Annual Income of Rs.8.00 lakhs per year as the criteria for exclusion of the socially advanced persons from the benefits of reservations in civil posts and services under the Government of Telangana. ( G.O.Ms.No:20, Backward Classes Welfare (OP) Dept, dated: 31/10/2017)

TSPSC Group-1 (Mains) | Paper-6 - Telangana Movement And State Formation

 I. The idea of Telangana (1948-1970)  1. Historical Background: Telangana as a distinctive cultural unit in Hyderabad Princely State, its geographical, cultural, socio, political and economic features- People of Telangana- castes, tribes, religion, arts, crafts, languages, dialects, fairs, festivals and important places in Telangana. Administration in Hyderabad Princely State and Administrative Reforms of Salar Jung and Origins of the issue of Mulkis-Non-Mulkis; Employment and Civil Services Rules under Mir Osman Ali Khan, VII Nizam’s Farman of 1919 and Definition of Mulki - Establishment of Nizam’s Subjects League known as the Mulki League 1935 and its Significance; Merger of Hyderabad State into Indian Union in 1948; Employment Policies under Military Rule and Vellodi,1948-1952; Violation of Mulki-Rules and Its Implications.  2. Hyderabad State in Independent India- Formation of Popular Ministry under Burgula Ramakrishna Rao and 1952 Mulki-Agitation; Demand for Employm...

TSPSC Group-1 (Mains) | Paper-5 Science & Technology and Data Interpretation

I. The role and impact of Science and Technology.  1. Classical and Emerging areas of Science & Technology : Value addition by Science & Technology, Current Science & Technology developments in India and importance of Science & Technology as an engine for National Development ; Industrial development & Urbanization.  2. National Policy of Science & Technology: changes in Policy from time to time: Technology missions ICT: Basics in Computers, Robotics, Nano technology and Communication.  3. Space program in India and its applications with special reference to industrial, agricultural and other rural development activities, INSAT, IRS systems, EDUSAT and Chandrayaan-1 and future programme.  4. Application of Space Technology in India with references to Education, Agriculture and Industry. Climatic change, Floods, Cyclone, Tsunami, Natural and Manmade Disaster Management.  5. Energy Resources: Energy demands, Indian energy scenario- hydel, t...

TSPSC Group-1 (Mains) | Paper-4 Economy and Development

I. Indian Economy and Development:  1. National Income -Concepts and Measurement of National Income- Nominal and Real Income; Structure and growth of Indian economy – Sectoral trends in National Income of India  2. Poverty and Unemployment: Concepts of Poverty - Income-based Poverty, nonincome Poverty- capability approach (Human Poverty Index), Measurement of Poverty and trends in Poverty; Concepts, estimates and trends of Unemployment  3. Money and Banking: Money supply, Structure of Indian Banking and non-banking financial institutions; Reforms in Banking sector; Regulation of credit by RBI  4. Public Finance: Tax structure, Central and state taxes; Government expenditure in revenue and capital account; Public debt: composition- internal and external debt; Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy; Union Budget: Budget Analysis.  5. Planning in Indian economy: Objectives, Priorities, Strategies, Achievements of Five Year Plans; 12th FYP - Inclusive growth; NITI Aayog; Li...

TSPSC Group-1 (Mains) | Paper-3 Indian Society, Constitution, Governance

I. Indian Society, Structure, Issues and Social Movements  1. Indian Society: Salient features, Unity in Diversity; Family, Marriage, Kinship, Caste, Tribe, Religion, Language; Rural – Urban continuum; Multi-culturalism.  2. Social Exclusion and Vulnerable Groups: Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, Minorities, Women, Children, Aged and Disabled.  3. Social Issues: Poverty; Unemployment, Child Labour, Violence against Women; Regionalism; Communalism and Secularism; Corruption; Caste Conflicts, Problems of Agricultural Labour; Urbanization; Development and Displacement; Environmental Degradation; Sustainable Development; Population Explosion; Agrarian Distress; Migration.  4. (a)Social Issues in Telangana: Vetti; Jogini and Devadasi System; Girl Child; Flourosis; Child Labour; Migrant Labour; Child Marriages.       (b) Social Movements in Telangana.  5. Social Policies and Programmes in India and Telangana: Policies for Women...

TSPSC Group-1 (Mains) | Paper-2 History, Culture, Geography

I. History and Culture of India, with special reference to Modern Period (1757 to 1947 A.D.)   1. Early Indian Civilizations-Indus and Vedic; Emergence of Religious Movements in the sixth century BC - Jainism and Buddhism; Indo- Greek Art and Architecture – Gandhara, Mathura and Amaravathi Schools; Social and Cultural condition under the Mauryan, Satavahanas and Guptas .  2. Advent of Islam and its impact on Indian Society – Nature and significance of Bhakti and Sufi Movements; Contribution of Kakatiya, and Vijayanagara rulers to Language, Literature, Art and Architecture: the contribution of Delhi Sultans and Mughals to Language, Literature, Art, Architecture and Fine Arts, Monuments; Emergence of Composite Culture in the Deccan and India.  3. The Establishment of British Colonial Rule in India: Carnatic Wars , Battle of Plassey, AngloMysore, Anglo-Maratha and Anglo-Sikh Wars; Economic Impact of British Colonial Rule: Land Revenue Settlements in British India; -Commercia...

TSPSC Group-1 Services (Mains) Essay & English Qualifying Test

GENERAL ENGLISH (QUALIFYING TEST)  (10th CLASS STANDARD)  1. Spotting Errors – Spelling; Punctuation  2. Fill in the blanks – Prepositions; Conjunctions; Verb tenses  3. Re-writing sentences – Active and Passive voice; Direct & Reported Speech; Usage of Vocabulary  4. Jumbled sentences  5. Comprehension  6. Précis Writing  7. Expansion  8. Letter Writing  PAPER-I: GENERAL ESSAY  (Candidate should write three Essays, selecting one from each Section compulsorily. Each Section contains three Questions. Each Essay carries 50 marks.)  Section-I  1. Contemporary Social Issues and Social Problems.  2. Issues of Economic Growth and Justice.  Section-II  1. Dynamics of Indian Politics.  2. Historical and Cultural Heritage of India.  Section-III  1. Developments in Science and Technology.  2. Education and Human Resource Development.

TSPSC Group-1 Services Preliminary Test Syllabus

GENERAL STUDIES AND MENTAL ABILITY  1. Current Affairs – Regional, National & International.  2. International Relations and Events.  3. General Science; India’s Achievements in Science and Technology.  4. Environmental Issues: Disaster Management- Prevention and Mitigation Strategies.  5. Economic and Social Development of India.  6. World Geography, Indian Geography and Geography of Telangana state.  7. History and Cultural Heritage of India.  8. Indian Constitution and Polity.  9. Governance and Public Policy in India.  10. Policies of Telangana State.  11. Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts and Literature of Telangana.  12. Social Exclusion: Rights issues such as Gender, Caste, Tribe, Disability etc. and inclusive policies.  13. Logical Reasoning: Analytical Ability and Data Interpretation.

TSLPRB Sub Inspector (SI) Final Written Exam Syllabus

PAPER I: ENGLISH  Qualifying Paper in English shall be of Matriculation or equivalent standard. Questions of the standard of SSC / Matriculation seeking to ascertain the Candidate’s knowledge and language skills shall be asked  PART-A: (OBJECTIVE TYPE) (50 QUESTIONS – 25 MARKS – 45 MINUTES) Usage, Vocabulary, Grammar, Comprehension and other language skills in the Multiple Choice Questions Format (with 1/4th (25%) negative marks for wrong answers)  PART-B: (DESCRIPTIVE TYPE) (75 MARKS – 2 HOURS 15 MINUTES) Descriptive Type Questions covering Writing of Précis, Letters / Reports, Essay, Topical Paragraphs and Reading Comprehension  PAPER II: TELUGU / URDU  Candidates have to choose one of the languages i.e., either Telugu or Urdu and should indicate their choice as and when asked for by the recruiting authority. Option once exercised shall be final and a candidate shall not be allowed to change it subsequently.  Qualifying Paper in Telugu or Urdu shall be o...

TSLPRB Sub Inspector (SI) Prelims Exam Syllabus

A) ARITHMETIC & TEST OF REASONING / MENTAL ABILITY  (OBJECTIVE TYPE) (100 QUESTIONS)  Arithmetic: It will include questions on problems relating to number system, simple interest, compound interest, ratio & proportion, average, percentage, profit & loss, time & work, work & wages, time & distance, clocks & calendars, partnership, menstruation etc  Test of Reasoning: It will include questions of both verbal & non-verbal type and questions on analogies, similarities and differences, spatial visualization, spatial orientation, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory etc  B) GENERAL STUDIES  (OBJECTIVE TYPE) (100 QUESTIONS)   1. General Science - contemporary developments in science and technology and their implications including matters of everyday observation and experience, contemporary issues relating to protection of environment as may be expected of a well educated person who has not made a spec...

TSLPRB Police Constable (Civil) Syllabus For Final Written Exam

 (INTERMEDIATE STANDARD) (OBJECTIVE TYPE) (200 QUESTIONS)  1. English*  2. Arithmetic  3. General Science  4. History of India, Indian Culture, Indian National Movement  5. Principles of Geography, Indian Geography, Polity and Economy  6. Current events of national and international importance  7. Test of Reasoning / Mental Ability  8. Personality test (the questions will be from Ethics, Sensitivity to Gender and weaker sections, social awareness, Emotional Intelligence)  9. Contents pertaining to the State of Telangana  *The questions relating to English Language in the syllabus will be set in English only in the Telugu / Urdu versions of the question paper also.  Note: In case any dispute about any question or answer, the decision taken by the Subject Expert Committee shall be final. The Board does not prescribe any particular textbook or publication and is not bound by the material appearing in any book or publication

TSLPRB Police Constable (Civil) Syllabus For Prelims Test

(INTERMEDIATE STANDARD) (OBJECTIVE TYPE) (200 QUESTIONS)   1. English*  2. Arithmetic  3. General Science  4. History of India, Indian culture, Indian National Movement  5. Principles of Geography, Indian Geography, Polity and Economy  6. Current events of national and international importance  7. Test of Reasoning / Mental Ability  8. Contents pertaining to the State of Telangana.  * The questions relating to English Language in the syllabus will be set in English only in the Telugu/Urdu versions of the question paper also.  Note: In case any dispute about any question or answer, the decision taken by the Subject Expert Committee shall be final. The Board does not prescribe any particular textbook or publication and is not bound by the material appearing in any book or publication.