Non-Cooperation Movement gave new direction and energy to the national movement

Special Congress season at Calcutta accepted Policy of progressive, non-cooperation's because of the injustice of government. Though in non-cooperation movement congress hoped to paralyse the functioning of civil administration of the unjust foreign government by withdrawing all co-operation. 

Tilak and Annie Besant played a mediator role to re unite moderates and extremists for non-cooperation movement also transform the nature of the struggle for Indian freedom. The terror of British administration disappeared. Congress slogans for swaraj shouted from house-tops people geared for all possible sacrifice for swaraj Bonafire of foreign goods became a common sites in cities. Government courts boycotted and Arbitration courts set up to settle disputes. 

Therefore, "Non-cooperation Movement gave new direction and energy to the national Movement." During Non-cooperation movement of Gandhiji, the freedom struggle took a new track with the use of Satyagraha, truth and non-violence. The Khilafat movement (1919- 1924) was the course of the initial struggle. Gandhiji taking opportunity to join the Congress and the Muslim League, which developed Hindu-Muslim unity. Along with this, the first mass struggle in India with the participation of masses in noncooperation movement especially rural peasants, working class, industrial labourers, women etc. gave the new phase of freedom struggle. 

The use of Khadi was popularized by the movement. But this movement was withdrawn because of the Chauri-Chaura incident, this helped people realize their individual capacity. This increased the confidence of the people that they can overthrow the colonial power. A mass struggle cannot be prolonged was realized, so the movement evolved a truce-struggle-truce strategy for the attainment of freedom.
