Mahatma Gandhi's support to Khilafat Movement

Critiques say that supporting Khilafat movement by Gandhiji was a backward step the Khilafat Movement was started against the dismemberment of Turkey, dissolution of the institution of the Caliphate. Gandhiji supported the movement, which critics felt was a backward step. But he saw it an opportunity for launching a struggle against the British. However, the critics felt that religion was taken up as a theme which encouraged communal issues. 

An analysis of Gandhiji's support shows that in freedom struggle support from all classes and sections of the country was of utmost importance. In Khilafat Movement issue, by supporting the Muslims, Gandhiji attracted a large class of the masses. 

Again during the 1919-1922 period, there was a remarkable unity of Hindu-Muslim which was an indication of the success of Gandhiji's policy. By 1916, by the Lucknow Pact, Congress accepted the issue regarding the separate electorates for the Muslim. Gandhi did not have anything to do with this. Congress cut apart from the so called secular policy. Further Gandhiji protested against the religion-based politics, and later he also protested against the division of the country on the basis of religion. 

During the massive riots Gandhiji tried his best through non-violence and the riot stopped. Thus, it will be wrong to judge that by supporting the Khilafat Movement, Gandhiji hurt the religious secularity. But Gandhi protested against the religion-based politics and later he also protested against the division of the country on the basis of religion.

During the massive riots he tried his best thorough non-violence and not stopped. This it will be wrong to judge that by supporting the Khilafat Movement Gandhiji hurt the religious secularity.
