
Showing posts with the label Science & Technology

NIOS Science & Technology Material PDF Download

 NIOS Science & Technology Full Material Scientific knowledge which is growing day by day is a powerful tool for solving our problems. This knowledge also contributes towards the national productivity. However, a word of caution misuse of scientific knowledge, indiscriminate use of natural resources leading to depletion of natural resources and environmental pollution can lead to dire consequences. 1. Measurement in Science and Technology 2. Matter in Our Surroundings 3. Atom and Molecules  4. Chemical Reaction and Equations  5. Atomic Structure  6. Periodic Classification of Elements  7. Chemical Bonding  8. Acids, Bases and Salts  9. Motion and its Description  10. Force and Motion  11. Gravitation  12. Sources of Energy  13. Work and Energy  14. T...

India’s achievements in the field of Space Science and Technology

India’s achievements in the field of Space: · • India’s Mars Orbiter Spacecraft has successfully completed its mission objective as planned and has completed one year.  • Geo-Synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV-D6), equipped with the indigenous Cryogenic Upper Stage (CUS), successfully launched GSAT-6, the country’s advanced communication satellite, into a Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO).  • The first experimental flight of heavy lift next generation launch vehicle, GSLV-Mk III, was successfully conducted on December from Sriharikota. This flight has validated the complex atmospheric regime of flight and demonstrated the Integrity of design of GSLV Mk III.  • Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System (IRNSS) is designed as a constellation of seven satellites to provide satellite based navigational services in the country.  • GSAT-15, a 3 ton class communication satellite (carrying 24 Ku band transponders & GAGAN payload) has been successfully launc...

Stealth Technology

Stealth or low observability (it is scientifically known) is the technology that allows an object (aircraft or missile) to be partially invisible to Radar or any other means of electromagnetic detection. The motive behind incorporating stealth technology in an aircraft is to make it invitility by making it less visible.  The technology was initially developed by US it was the first country to use stealth technology. The first stealth aircraft was F-117 "Night Hawk" developed by Lockheed Martin (United States). The technology involves, superior designs of defense weapons and the use of advanced materials and paint coat, so as to make the surface of missiles or aircraft's less reflective or non- reflective to electromagnetic radiations (EMR) beamed by enemy's radar.  In simple terms, The Stealth bombers unusual shape and its composite construction material have made it virtually undetectable by current radar systems.

How can biotechnology improve the living standards of farmers

Agricultural biotechnology or agri-tech involves the use of scientific tools and techniques, including genetic engineering, molecular markers, molecular diagnostics, vaccines, and tissue culture to modify living organisms used in agricultural fields. India has a dedicated department named Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) under the Ministry of Science and Technology which looks after different types of genetic modification which can be helpful in farming practices. Biotechnology can help Indian farmers to combat present global and regional problems, such as global warming, erratic monsoon, and desertification, etc. by different ways and thus, increase their income.  Benefits of biotechnology to Indian farmers  • Most common problem which persists across India is of erratic monsoon. Biotechnology can be used to develop those varieties of crops which can withstand even extreme rainfall.  • Biotechnology has been successfully used to combat weed mena...

Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System (IRNSS) and How does it help in navigation

Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System (IRNSS), operational name Navigation with Indian constellation (NavIC), is an indigenously developed autonomous regional satellite navigation system that provides accurate real-time positioning and timing services. It covers India and a region extending 1500 km around it, with plans for future expansion. It is expected to have on accuracy better than 20m.  Needs for IRNSS :  •In its absence, India had to depend on satellite systems of other countries rendering it vulnerable especially in the case of hostile situations.  •The immediate reason to start building indigenous navigation capabilities was the Kargil War in 1999, when USA denied India access to vital satellite based information.  •With India becoming only the sixth country in the world to have its own navigation system, it is going to improve its standing in the comity of nations.  •Allowing the neighbouring countries to access the system, India is also proje...

Cyber Dome Project and how it can be useful in controlling internet crimes

Cyber Dome Project has been conceived by Technological Research and Development Centre of Kerala Police as a public-police participation model and is aimed at combating emerging cyber threats through effective policing.  • Cyber dome is a Centre of Excellence for Kerala Police, to meet the long-term security challenges in the digital arena of the modern world, by bridging the gap between the latest changes and innovations in the cyber space and the skill set development of Kerala Police, in combating the emerging cyber threats.  • It envisages as a hi-tech public-private partnership centre of collaboration for different stakeholders in the domain of cyber security and handling of cyber crimes in a proactive manner.  • It is envisaged as a collaboration centre for both the public and private fraternity to converge and share information, as well as resources that will escalate the safety of our cyber space.  It can be useful in controlling internet crimes in India...

India’s plan to have its own space station and how will it benefit our space programme

Space station is also called orbital station. It orbits around Earth. Basically, it is a large spacecraft or man-made station in space, a home where astronauts live. It also receive several space crafts from the Earth. It is a kind of science lab, many countries worked together to build it and also, work together to use it. Recently ISRO chief said ‘We are planning to have a separate space station. We will not be a part of ISS. Our space station is going to be very small’.  India’s plan to have its own space station  •The Indian space station will be much smaller (mass of 20 tonnes) than the International Space Station and will be used for carrying out micro gravity experiments (not for space tourism).  •Preliminary plan for the space station is to accommodate astronauts for upto 20 days in space, and the project will be an extension of the Gaganyaan mission.  •It will orbit the Earth at an altitude of around 400km.  •ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) is...

Contributions of Sir M. Visvesvaraya and Dr. M. S. Swaminathan in the fields of water engineering and agricultural

Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya was a civil engineer and statesman. He made contributions to several technical projects in his career in Hyderabad, Mysore, Maharashtra and Orissa. The Great KRS Dam was his excellent work instrumental in converting the barren lands into fertile grounds for farming. M.S. Swaminathan in the other hand is an advocate of moving India to sustainable development, especially using environmentally sustainable agriculture, sustainable food security and the preservation of biodiversity, which he calls as “evergreen revolution.”  Following are the contributions of Sir M. Visvesvaraya in the fields of water engineering:  • He is best remembered for the instrumental role he played in the construction of the Krishna Raja Sagara Lake and dam in 1924. This dam not only became the main source of water for irrigation for the nearby areas, but was also the main source of drinking water for several cities. • He had designed and patented a system of automatic weir wa...

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) represents an enormous opportunity to introduce significant and lasting positive change across the developing world. The rapid penetration of mobile access in particular has resulted in considerable improvements in the lives of the poor in both rural and urban contexts.  The effectiveness of such ICT projects suffer from the following vital factors:  Digital Divide : rural and urban, rich and poor, men and women  Digital illiteracy: about 90% of Indian population is digitally illiterate  Slow roll-out of Wi-Fi hotspots and the slow speed, in comparison to other developed nations.  Most small and medium scale industry is struggling to adapt to modern technology.  Entry level smartphones have limited capabilities for smooth internet access, and the outreach of the smartphones is limited.  There is an absence of enough skilled manpower in digital technology. Lack of user education and limited facilities to t...

TSPSC Group-1 (Mains) | Paper-5 Science & Technology and Data Interpretation

I. The role and impact of Science and Technology.  1. Classical and Emerging areas of Science & Technology : Value addition by Science & Technology, Current Science & Technology developments in India and importance of Science & Technology as an engine for National Development ; Industrial development & Urbanization.  2. National Policy of Science & Technology: changes in Policy from time to time: Technology missions ICT: Basics in Computers, Robotics, Nano technology and Communication.  3. Space program in India and its applications with special reference to industrial, agricultural and other rural development activities, INSAT, IRS systems, EDUSAT and Chandrayaan-1 and future programme.  4. Application of Space Technology in India with references to Education, Agriculture and Industry. Climatic change, Floods, Cyclone, Tsunami, Natural and Manmade Disaster Management.  5. Energy Resources: Energy demands, Indian energy scenario- hydel, t...