The problems that impeded the integration of the princely states with the Indian Union
During the British rule there were many big and small princely or native states which were indirectly ruled by the British through the princes and chiefs themselves. In World War II period the British Government tried to break the deadlock Created by the Cabinet Mission (1946), Wavell Plan (1945), Cabinet Mission (1946) and Atlee's Statement (February 1947).
Sardar Palel appealed to the patriotic feeling of rulers to join the Indian dominion in matters of defence communication and external affairsthe three areas which has part of the paramountcy of the crown and over which the states had any no control by August 15, 1947,136 states had joined the Indian Union other remained precariously outside:
• Junagarh who wanted to join Pakistan but in a plebiscite the repressive attitude of nawab was overridden and decision was made in favour of India;
• Nawab of Hyderabad wanted a sovereign status. It signed a standstill agreement with India in November 1947.
• Kashmir The state had a Hindu prince and a Muslim majority population. The prince wanted a sovereign status for the state and was reluctant to accede to either of the dominions.
The problems was thus two fold
• Of transforming the states into viable administrative units and
• Of absorbing them into the constitutional units.
This was sought to be solved by
• Incorporating smaller states into contiguous provinces and listed in Part A-Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat. • Making some states as centrally administered for strategic or special reason listed in Part C - Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, etc.
• Creating five Unions - Rajasthan, Patiala and East Punjab States Union etc. Thus, it was Patel by employing diplomacy and the policy of blood and non was able to effect the integration of the princely states into the Union of India, a task highly commendable to have done in just 365 days. The Indian states thus lost their identity and became part of one uniform political set up.