Lord Dalhousie was the founder of modern India
Lord Dalhousie was the founder of modern India because he brought modernity in ideas, architecture, reforms, public works etc.
Military Reforms : Shimla became the army headquarter and Meerut became artillery headquarter Dalhousie created a new, regiment called ‘Gurkha Regiment’ and also introduced the system of centralized control in newly acquired territories known as ‘Bon-Regulation system’.
Educational Reforms : Woods dispatch is considered as the Magna Carta of English education that helped in the development of female & male education. An engineering college was established at Roorkee and Anglo Vernacular Schools and Government colleges were also opened.
Social Reform : Widow Remarriage Act (1856) was passed during his work period. Infrastructural
Development : He introduced the railway network that facilitated trade, commerce and cultural experiences.
He also laid out first telegraph line and postal system on modern lines that increased communication speed and quantity. A department of public works was established in each presidency. Harbour of Karachi, Bombay and Calcutta were also developed.