The positive steps taken by the British to modernize

Firstly, the British introduced the modern concept of the rule of law. Their administration was to be carried out in obedience to laws, which clearly defined the rights, privilages, and obligations of the subjects. Several steps were taken by the British which had a positive impact on the positive efforts taken by the British may be identified as. 

• They introduced modern and western system of education in India. 

• They had first time introduced transport system such as the railway after introduction of railway system. 

• The British took steps to unify India politically, administratively and economically, to full fill over interests but it benefited India as well later they introduced penal code like the criminal procedure code, civil procedure code and Indian penal code, etc. brought uniformity to the legal system of India but opportunity was given to Britisher and not the Indian. 

• The historical researchers by the Europeans scholar were one of the factors behind the emergence of the reform movements. An indepth analysis of these steps of the British indicate to the fact that they were taken to fulfill their colonial motive and safeguard their economic interests. 

• Recurring Indians to lower clerical jobs; 

• To create a class of Indians who would be Indians in colour but British in taste in order to create a wider market for British goods similarly a long list of council and charter acts during the British rule prepared the background for constitutional development which become manifested when our constitution was formed. 

• They also abolished evil customs of sati and Thuggi.
