The partition of Bengal in 1905

Many reasons may be identified for the partition of Bengal in 1905. According to the British Government, the Bengal province consisting of Bihar, Orissa, Assam was too big to be welt governed. So it was felt that Bengal has to be divided for administrative convenience. 

The British government actually was interested to check nationalistic feelings of Indians, so they partitions Bengal. Bengal was the nerve centre of Indian nationalism due to the rising number of attacks on the Britishers by the revolutionary terrorists, and due to the fact that emerging military nationalism had obtained a strong following in Bengal. 

So it was this consideration which made the British partition Bengal under two administrate units; 

1.  On the basis of language thus reducing Bengalis to a minority in Bengal itself. 

2. On the basis of religion as Hindus in West and Muslims in the East. It was this imperialistic consideration that led to the partition of Bengal-and not the concept of administrative convenience.
