The main features of Indian Renaissance

  1. The socio-religious reform movements of the 19th century may be regarded as Indian Renaissance. 
  2. The most striking feature of the Indian renaissance is its work towards the upliftment of women, criticism of caste systems and religious orthodoxy. 
  3. It did not preach Western values because on some counts both were contradictory. 
  4. Though the socio-religious reform movement borrowed many elements from the West, but they also challenged the western culture perpetuated by the colonial government. 
  5. Reform movements the like Brahma Samaj, Prarthana Samaj were forward looking in the sense that they tried to rid the Indian society from its superstitious beliefs. Whereas other like the Arya Samaj; 
  6. Theosophical Society were often regarded as revivalistic movement because they attempted to revive the age-old tradition of the Indian Society to counter the spread of Western Values, even though they were based on blind faith. 
  7. More Indian Renaisance mad conscious attempts to the nations of provincially and regional destinations.
