challenges for women in India against time and space

Women are the building blocks of the society. They are traditionally referred as Goddesses. However, in the Indian society, they continue to be exploited for the sake of the conventions of the society and face challenges even today. 

The following are the various challenges faced by the women:

• Patriarchy: Women face the male dominance in various institutions, structures of the country. This has hampered the overall development and rise of women in the societal roles. 

• Political participation: Women are not able to express themselves politically. The bill for reservation women is still pending in the parliament. 

• Economic participation: Women are not able to reach the topmost positions in the corporations, private or public except a few. Also, women are imparted roles which are regarded as specifically for women like Pink color Jobs, Health sector, etc. 

• Education: They are still considered as burden in the villages of many states, though the situation has improved in many. 

• Discrimination: Women are discriminated in the various spheres affecting their overall participation and development of their personalities. They are still discriminated in the villages, families. 

• Alienation: Women are socially and psychologically alienated which results in their non-participation in the various spheres of life. 

• Exclusion: The women are excluded from the decision-making roles in the society which eventually affect the health of the society and the nation. 

• Crimes and atrocities: NCRB data shows that the women are faced with crimes, such as rapes, abuse, sexual harassment at workplaces and thus, face deviant behavior. 

• Position of women: Domestic violence and non participation in the decisions of families. The Khap panchayats and patriarchal attitude worsen the position of women. 

• Rural scenario: Women have little choice have to face crimes while going out for work. It leads to mental health problems, affect reproductive health and affect critical decision-making power. Trafficking, bride buying, etc. are also faced by women.
