probity in governance and suggest measures for ensuring probity in government
The quality of having strong moral principles; honesty and decency can be understood as probity. But there’s a slight difference. Whereas on one hand honesty is about being truthful and transparent, not hiding facts and not lying, probity on the other hand is when there comes an outwards orientation to it, when one attempts to appear to be honest, when one makes sure that people get to know that one is not dishonest or simply it is the evidence of ethical behavior in a particular process. Probity in governance is an essential requirement for efficient and effective delivery of socio-economic development and governance through strict adherence to code of ethics based on honesty, integrity and impartiality, confidentiality and transparency. An important requisite for ensuring probity in governance is absence of corruption. The other requirements are effective laws, rules and regulations governing every aspect of public life and, more important, an effective and fair implementa...