Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru's views on Indian Nationalists.
Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru was the main pillar or National movement during liberal phase. His impact can be seen as the liberal attitude of national movement. He was instrumental to bring hack Tilak and many other revolutionary leaders into the Congress in 1916. Thus, it can be said that he worked as a bridge between liberals and revolutionaries. He gave Indian National Movement a new form and direction. He was an advocate, and statesman and fought many cases including 'Meerut Conspiracy Case' a controversial court case initiated in British India. When the British Indian Government tried to press the Communist through Meerut Conspire Case, he along with Jawaharlal Nehru, Bhula Bhai Desai, MA Ansari and MC Chagla were in the Defense Council in favour of the convicts. Three British Communist Phillip Spratt, Ban Bradely and Lester Hutchinson were convicted in Meerut Conspiracy Case (1929). It was the longest conspiracy trial. He was chosen a representative of liberals at the Indian ...