
Showing posts with the label Internal Security

The missile technology initiatives undertaken by India

India started, missile development programme in 1983 and the "responsibility to implement this was given to defence-research and development organisation (DRDO). India has been achieving in missile development, and through this India has achieved both technical and strategic development mentioned in missile development programme.  Today, India has long-distance and medium-distance missiles namely - Agni and Prithvi respectively. Agni has three versions, viz. Agni I, Agni II and Agni III which can face the attack ranging-from 700-5000 km. Prithvi is short distance ballistic missile. Regarding targeting, capacity and use of technology it stands among the main missiles in the world. Besides these in India a lot of developed missiles have been made and tested successfully.  Among these Trishul and Akash are short and long distance missiles moving from SURFACE to air respectively.  Nag (anti-tank), Dhanush (Navel Missile) and Ashtra (air to air targeting) etc. are the main mis...

Surgical Strikes and the impact of such actions

A surgical strike is essentially a swift and targeted attack on specific target that aims to neutralize them while ensuring minimum collateral damage to the surrounding areas and civilians. Neutralization of targets with surgical strikes also prevents escalation to a full blown war. Similarly Hot pursuit is chasing the enemy even up to their own turf and it is an indicator of zero tolerance for terrorists.  Impact of such actions:  • India realizes that dropping the policy of ‘strategic restraint’ might ignite another spiral of violence in Kashmir. However, the following of the same has not worked either and perhaps there may be a breakthrough with new approach.  • The jihadist element will pressurize the other state to go for a similar strike. India had factored-in this move, and therefore villagers within 10 km of Punjab border were evacuated.  • It was not a strategic strike, but a tactical strike, where strike itself was not so important, but a break from previou...