
Showing posts with the label General Science

How can biotechnology improve the living standards of farmers

Agricultural biotechnology or agri-tech involves the use of scientific tools and techniques, including genetic engineering, molecular markers, molecular diagnostics, vaccines, and tissue culture to modify living organisms used in agricultural fields. India has a dedicated department named Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) under the Ministry of Science and Technology which looks after different types of genetic modification which can be helpful in farming practices. Biotechnology can help Indian farmers to combat present global and regional problems, such as global warming, erratic monsoon, and desertification, etc. by different ways and thus, increase their income.  Benefits of biotechnology to Indian farmers  • Most common problem which persists across India is of erratic monsoon. Biotechnology can be used to develop those varieties of crops which can withstand even extreme rainfall.  • Biotechnology has been successfully used to combat weed mena...

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) represents an enormous opportunity to introduce significant and lasting positive change across the developing world. The rapid penetration of mobile access in particular has resulted in considerable improvements in the lives of the poor in both rural and urban contexts.  The effectiveness of such ICT projects suffer from the following vital factors:  Digital Divide : rural and urban, rich and poor, men and women  Digital illiteracy: about 90% of Indian population is digitally illiterate  Slow roll-out of Wi-Fi hotspots and the slow speed, in comparison to other developed nations.  Most small and medium scale industry is struggling to adapt to modern technology.  Entry level smartphones have limited capabilities for smooth internet access, and the outreach of the smartphones is limited.  There is an absence of enough skilled manpower in digital technology. Lack of user education and limited facilities to t...