Government of India Act, 1858
Whigs and Tories had joined hands to complete without delay the process of extendihg crown government over India. Lord Palmerston, the British Prime Ministdr, declared his Government's decision to assume directly the Government of lndia by the British Crown. John Stuart Mill prepared-a dignified and weighty petition which was presented by the Company against the Government decision to both the Houses of Parliament. But no petition could any longer stem the tide of mounting criticism against the Company's administration. Lord Stanley. President of the Board of Control introduced a bill for the 'Better Government' of lndia which became an Act of Parliament in August 1858. The Government of lndia passed from the hands of the English East lndia Company to the crown. The armed forces of the company were transferred to the crown. The Board of control and court of Directors were abolished. Their place was taken by the Secretary of State of lndia and his lndia Council. They we...