
Showing posts with the label British Rule

Government of India Act, 1858

Whigs and Tories had joined hands to complete without delay the process of extendihg crown government over India. Lord Palmerston, the British Prime Ministdr, declared his Government's decision to assume directly the Government of lndia by the British Crown. John Stuart Mill prepared-a dignified and weighty petition which was presented by the Company against the Government decision to both the Houses of Parliament. But no petition could any longer stem the tide of mounting criticism against the Company's administration. Lord Stanley. President of the Board of Control introduced a bill for the 'Better Government' of lndia which became an Act of Parliament in August 1858.  The Government of lndia passed from the hands of the English East lndia Company to the crown. The armed forces of the company were transferred to the crown. The Board of control and court of Directors were abolished. Their place was taken by the Secretary of State of lndia and his lndia Council. They we...

Charter Act of 1853

Politically conscious Indians made efforts to bring to an'end the reactionary government of the East lndia Company. Raja Rammohan Roy went to Britain and represented India's case before the Parliamentary Select Committee. The Bombay Association and the Madras Native Association sent petitions on similar lines. But there was strong opposition to it from leaders of different parties, ministers, president of the Board of Control and Company's Directors. They favoured the renewal of the Charter.  By the Act of 1853, separation of the executive and the legislative functions was carried a step further by the provision of additional members of council for the purpose of legislation. The Law Member was made a full member of the Executive Council of the Governor General. The consent of the Governor General was made necessary for all legislative proposals. In this framework the central,legislature was completed. Central Legislative Council was to consist of one representative each fr...

Charter Act of 1813

Enquiries into the Company's affairs were ordered before another renewal of the Charter due in 1813. In 1808, the House of Commons appointed a Committee of investigations. Its report on judicial and police arrangements was submitted in 1812. The government decided to allow British subjects access to lndia with their ships.  The Home Government had specifically directed the Government of lndia not to follow the policy of conquests. But aggressive policies in lndia resulted in acquisition of territory. Lord Wellesley and Marquis of Hastings followed an imperialistic policy. The Company's power had spread to the whole of lndia except Punjab, Nepal and Sind. Company requested for financial help from the Parliament due to overspending in wars and setback in trade. There was also a lot of agitation against continuance of commercial monopoly by the East lndia Company. Independent merchants demanded ending of the same. They wanted a share in the trade with India.  The teachings of Ada...

Charter Act of 1793

The Charter was to be renewed in 1793. Henry Dundas, President of the Board of Control, was in favor of renewing the Charter and allowing the Company to retain its political privileges and responsibilities. Cornwallis also supported this stand. The Charter of the Company was renewed for 20 years and it was declared that it would be allowed to continue with the possession of all territories for the next 20 years.  The Governor General's and Governors' powers to overrule their council were emphasized and explained. This power had been given specially to Cornwallis in 1786. Governor General's control over the Presidencies was strengthened. He was allowed /to issue orders and directions to any Government and Presidency of lndia during his absence from Bengal without previous consultation with his council. He could exercise all executive power vested in the Central Government.  A regular code of all regulations that could be enacted for the internal Government of the British ter...

Pitt's India Act, 1784

Pitt's India Act was passed in August, 1784. The purpose was to remove defects in the Regulating Act. Its essential plan was the same. Company's public affairs and its administration in lndia were to come directly under supreme control of the British Government. The right of the Company to territorial possessions was however not touched, so it essentially meant a compromise.  The Act established a Board of Control consisting of six~commissioners, including, two Cabinet ministers. The Board of Control was to guide and control the work of the Court of Directors and the Government of India. They were to control all matters of civil and military Government of the British territories in India. A secret committee consisting of three Directors was appointed to take the place of the Court ' of Directors in political and military matters.  The Constitution of the Company's government in lndia was revised. The Act established the principle that the government of lndia be placed u...

The Regulating Act, 1773

The Parliament passed its first important Act in 1773. called the Regulating Act to control the Company's Administration. The Act made changes in the constitution of the Company at home; the whole of the territories in India were subjected to some degree of control.  The provision was made in a very efficient manner for the government to keep supervision over the Company. Changes were made in the Constitution of the Court of Directors of the Company. It was required that it should submit to the Government all communications about civil and military affairs received from Bengal and revenues of India.  In the field of executive government. the status of Governor of Bengal was raised to Governor General. His Council would consist of four members. The Governor General in Council was given the power to superintend and control the presidencies of Madras and Bombay in matters of war and peace. In this body was vested the civil and military administration of the presidency, and govern...