Why is India taking keen interest in resources of Arctic Region

The Arctic region refers to the polar region north of the Arctic Circle. This region has assumed significance in light of the increasingly visible impact of global warming and its increasing geo-strategic significance. 

Salience of the Arctic region for India : 

• Potential Natural Resource : The region is said to posess large reserves of oil and natural gas which can solve the problem of energy security for India, especially with West Asia in turmoil. It is also an abundant source for fisheries. 

• Newer Shipping Routes : As global climate warms up and polar ice recedes, new paths between Asia, Europe and North America open up, which can reduce time and costs for India’s imports and exports. 

• Strategic Importance : China’s assertiveness and its ability to navigate the Northern Sea Route needs to be factored in while formulating India’s military strategy for the region. 

• Research on Environmental Issues : Joint research may be conducted in the following sectors : 

–Co-relation between the Arctic climate and Indian monsson. 
–Effect of melting of glaciers due to global warming. 
–Comprehensive assessment of the floara and fauna of the Arctic region vis-a-vis their response to anthropological activities. 

• Arctic Council : In light of the commercial, strategic, environmental and scientific significance of the region for India, it joined the Arctic council with an observer status in 2013.
