Safeguarding the Indian art heritage is the need of the moment
The art and heritage of a nation is a prized possession which needs to be preserved, protected and promoted. It assumes much greater significance for a vast country like India with diverse mixture of traditions and cultures.
Following factors underline the need to preserve our art and heritage :
•It gives the people a sense of history. Manuscripts and monuments have been relied on to understand the political, economic and social aspects of earlier times.
•It highlights the concept of ‘unity in diversity’ by showcasing the harmonious co-existence of different cultures and traditions.
•It is seen as a symbol of national identity. For instance the Lion Capital of Ashoka at Sarnath was adopted as the official emblem. Invoking national symbols can also instill a sense of oneness, as was done during the freedom struggle.
•In this era of rampant industrialization, the art and culture heritage can show the way towards a symbiotic relationship between development and environment conservation.
•They have been a source of income for various communities, in particular, various tribal communities.
•They are also the source of soft power which assumes significance for a country like India with a large diaspora spread across the world.
Today many of these art forms are facing threat of extinction in the face of globalization, automation etc. The government has been making effects for its preservation with shames like ‘Adopt a Heritage’, ‘Monument Mitra’, tribal heats etc. Public-Private partnership seems to be the way forward. In addition to these a behavioral change also needs to be fraught so that citizens can appreciate the true value of Indian art, culture and heritage.