Public Undertakings Committee

The Committee on Public Undertakings is a Parliamentary Committee consisting of 22 Members, fifteen of whom are elected by the Lok Sabha every year from amongst its Members according to the principle of proportional representation by means of a single transferable vote and seven Members to be nominated by Rajya Sabha for being associated with the Committee. The Chairman is appointed by the Speaker from amongst the Members of the Committee. A Minister is not eligible to become a Member of the Committee. If a Member after his election to the Committee is appointed a Minister, he ceases to be a Member of the Committee from the date of such appointment. The term of the Committee does not exceed one year. 

Functions: The functions of the Committee on Public Undertakings are :- 

(a) to examine the reports and accounts of Public Undertakings specified in the Fourth Schedule to the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha ; 

(b) to examine the reports, if any, of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on the Public Undertakings; 

(c) to examine, in the context of the autonomy and efficiency of the Public Undertakings whether the affairs of the Public Undertakings are being managed in accordance with sound business principles and prudent commercial practices; and 

(d) to exercise such other functions vested in the Public Accounts Committee and the Estimates Committee in relation to the Public Undertakings as are not covered by clauses (a), (b) and (c) above and as may be allotted to the Committee by the Speaker from time to time. 

Working of the Committee: 

The Committee selects from time to time for examination such Public Undertakings or such subjects as they may deem fit and as fall within their terms of reference. The Ministry / Undertaking concerned is asked to furnish necessary material relating to those subjects for information of the Members of the Committee. 

The Committee may 2 from time to time appoint one or more Study Groups for carrying out detailed examination of various subjects. If it appears to the Committee that it is necessary for the purpose of its examination that on-the-spot study should be made, the Committee undertake tours to study any particular matter, project or undertaking with the specific approval of the Speaker. Notes relating to the Undertakings / Offices etc. to be visited are called for in advance from the Ministries / Undertakings concerned and circulated to the Members of the Committee. These form the starting point for the informal discussion which the Committee holds at the projects etc. 

When the Committee / Study Groups are on study tour, only informal meetings are held at the place of visit and at such meetings neither evidence is recorded nor any decisions taken. The Members of the Committee while on tour may also meet informally the representatives of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, non-official organisations and bodies which are concerned with the subject under examination of the Committee. 

Later, in the light of these informal discussions of the Committee and the memoranda and other information received, non-official and official witnesses are invited to give evidence at formal sittings of the Committee held in Parliament House / Parliament House Annexe. All discussions held by the Committee with the representatives of the Undertakings/Ministries /Departments, non-official organisations, Labour Unions, etc. are to be treated as confidential and no one having access to the discussions, directly or indirectly, should communicate to the Press or any unauthorized person any information about matters taken up during the discussions. 

The observations/recommendations of the Committee are embodied in their reports which are presented to Parliament. After a Report has been presented to the House, the Ministry or Undertaking concerned is required to take action on various recommendations and conclusions contained in the Report. The replies of the Government are examined by an Action Taken Sub-Committee/Committee and an Action Taken Report is presented to the House.
