CARTOSAT-1 Satellite, ISRO

CARTOSAT–1 is the first Indian Remote Sensing Satellite capable of providing in-orbit stereo images. The images were used for Cartographic applications meeting the global requirements. Cameras of this satellite have a resolution of 2.5m (can distinguish a small car).

The Cartosat–1 provided stereo pairs required for generating Digital Elevation Models, Ortho Image products, and Value added products for various applications of Geographical Information System (GIS).
Launch date5 May 2005
Launch siteSHAR Centre Sriharikota India
Launch vehiclePSLV- C6
Orbit618 km Polar Sun Synchronous
Orbit Period97 min
Number of Orbits Per day14
Local time of equator crossing10:30 am
Repetivity126 days
Revisit5 days
Lift-Off mass1560 kg
Attitude and orbit control3-axis body stabillised using reaction wheels, Magnetic Torquers and Hydrazine Thrusters
Electrical power15 sqm Solar Array generating 1100w,
Two 24 Ah Ni-Cd batteries
Mission life5 years
